If I donated on 1 server how do i get ranked on all servers?

Contact us through email: info@thegoldenapple.me  and you should hear back from us in less than 48 hours.


How do i get a refund?

These ranks/items/ig money are NON refundable.  If you did not expect what you wanted, got banned, etc you will not get refunded.  In only 1 case will you get a refund.  That is if the payment did not process.  Contact support email (info@thegoldenapple.me)  and you should hear back from us in less than 48 hours.  Item purchasing requires you to be ingame, If you were not ingame when it was processed and did not receive the items this will NOT be refunded because we would have no proof that you did not get the items, You could have hid them in a chest and claimed you did not get them and have us give you items again.  If you did not get the items you may contact us through email but will be at the lowest of priorities and may not get an email back.

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